
Annals of Global Health

A special issue of the Annals Of Global Health will be dedicated to papers submitted by the students attending the three courses of Brescia, Bangkok and Munich. Students will be encouraged to discuss potential ideas for publication with the teachers during the courses.

You can view the previous special issue on Occupational Health in Expanding Economies that included contribution from the courses of 2015.

Please inform the course directors of your interest in publishing data from your country related to Occupational and Environmental Health before the courses so that you will have chances to discuss the topics during the classes.

Ludwig- Maximilians-Universitat Munchen

Summer School "Teaching interventions crossing borders"

August 20 - 28, 2018

Munich, Germany

The Chulaborn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand

Short Term Training Program in Occupational/Environmental Toxicology

2018 Courses

Bangkok, Thailand