
GLOBAL OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINANTS OF DISEASE: a multidisciplinary and multicultural approach for prevention

Sunday July 14, 2019

17:00 - 20:00

Welcome reception and registration (CEDISU, University of Brescia)

Monday July 15, 2019


Introduction and Course Overview (Rosen - Placidi)

Hazard Identification and Control (Rosen)

Exposures and risk factors in occupational settings (Placidi)


Student’s Country presentations (5 minutes each) (Rosen - Placidi)

Student work-groups – What are the hazards of the sites we will visit?

Social Dinner

Tuesday July 16, 2019


Student’s presentations

Industrial hygiene and safety walk through surveys (Caravanos)

Industrial Hygiene Laboratory and equipment (Carvanos, Fostinelli)


Student’s work-groups using IH equipment (Carvanos, Fostinelli)

Wednesday July 17, 2019

8.00-17.00 Field trip (Rosen - Placidi)



Aqua Dulci the largest sturgeon farm in europe

Social Dinner

Thursday July 18, 2019


Student’s presentation and discussion on sites visits (Caravanos - Rosen - Placidi)

Workplace Health Hazard Challenges in Low and Middle Income Countries/IMHE Demonstration (Caravanos)

Resiliency and Disaster Response (Rosen)

Student’s work-groups – IMHE data (Caravanos)

Informal gathering at Bar in Brescia City Center

Friday July 19, 2019


Student’s presentations – IMHE from their country (Caravanos - Rosen - Placidi)

Case studies in Occupational and Environmental Health (Rosen)

WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (Placidi)

Saturday July 20, 2019

Optional field trip